Re-shape and Detox after Christmas

If you’ve just overdone it at Christmas don’t fret. Getting rid of those excess pounds needs a little concentration, dedication and focus.

Your ten point plan to looking good for the New Year.

  1. Preparation - set the agenda and start planning. What do you need to shop for? How long is your diet and detox plan going to run for?
  2. Set the time frame of your nutrition/detox programme – is your plan going to go for 2, 3, 5 days, a week or month?
  3. Clear the cupboards of temptations. If you’ve still got any sweets left over from Christmas then get rid of them. You’ll be constantly tempted if you leave them around. Give them away or take them into the office and share them. Of course you want to avoid eating them all yourself...
  4. Say YES to vegetables (particularly ones in season such as carrots, swede, beetroot, potatoes, turnip), fruits, rye, oats, rice, pulses, fruit juices, honey or pure maple syrup (for sugar substitutes).
  5. Say NO to sugar, cakes, biscuits, crisps, fast/processed foods, cordials, alcohols and chocolates. If you want to go a little further and detox then look at eliminating wheat (bread, pastas, wheat cereal) and dairy (milk, cheese and cream). Use non-dairy substitutes such as soya or rice milks and other grains such as rye, quinoa, millet and rice. Further information on how to detox, see how to get my free article below.
  6. Increase Output… and that’s not the verbal sort! The equation is simple if your input has been greater than your output then start using up more energy. Exercise, housework, dance, walk to work, use the stairs rather than the lift, do stretching exercises while watching the TV, do something over and above your normal everyday activities.
  7. Change behaviour – take notice of how you reward yourself. Were you ever rewarded for good behaviour by sweets or cakes when you were young? You may find that you still exhibit similar behaviours in yourself. Instead of using food as treats do something else – go for a Turkish bath with friends or go and see a funny performance at the theatre or treat yourself to a new CD. You will need to divert that urge for food to something else.
  8. Change your thinking; think positively – some of us do negative thinking really well. Bear in mind that one thought can go around in our minds many times, 200-500 times in some instances! If you keep saying to yourself you can’t do it that’s exactly what will happen. Instead of saying I’m not going to do well with my detox or I look awful, write down an opposite statements starting with “I am..” for example “I am looking and feeling good.” Just imagine tapping into your full potential.
  9. Intention – engage your mind power as though you really mean it. Be clear with yourself about what you want to realistically achieve within the time frame. Focus and really visualise the detail – imagine yourself putting everything together and going about doing the things you need to achieve your goal, be it weight loss, increasing your energy, feeling less sluggish or looking great. You need to convince yourself, your mind, body and emotions why you want this and why it means so much to you and enlist the support of your whole being.
  10. Action – of course none of this will work if you don’t get down to it! Make it an enjoyable experience rather than a chore. It’ll be much more fun.

If it all seems like hard work or you don’t have much time to do a regular programme perhaps you are able to take some time away and immerse yourself in the health revitalisation weekends where you will experience yoga, walking, detoxification, herbal cleansing, natural therapies and inspirational teachings. Find out more visit

Rumana Zahn is a Naturopath and Medical Herbalist and runs clinics in Newcastle (within a GP’s practice), Darlington and the Serenity Spa at Seaham Hall. She is a leader within the field of Natural Medicine and writes and speaks extensively on the subject. Rumana can be contacted on 01325 722803 or visit her website

Rumana is a member of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners.



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